Personal Care and Support for Individuals
with Traumatic Brain Injury

Mankind Support Service provides personal care and support for individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and other forms of Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). Our purpose is to provide each client with safety, trust, dignity, and compassion. These elements, coupled with traditional therapies (physical, occupational, speech, and movement) allow each individual to heal and grow with unlimited possibilities and utilization of all his or her potential.
Persons living with acquired brain injury require specific care to address complex medical and neurobehavioral issues that traditional long-term care facilities often cannot provide. By providing a true support system with structure and caring supervision we help our residents lead their lives to the fullest. Our supported living environments offer many different levels of support, matched carefully to individual needs, abilities, therapeutic objectives and personal goals. From fully supported living in a Mankind Support Service campus to supervised or assisted apartments or small group homes, we operate safe, comfortable residences that promote the greatest degree of independence for each of our residents.
Meaningful activity, opportunities for social interaction, community participation, self-expression, and the maintenance of privacy and personal safety are essential elements for balanced, healthy adult lives. These elements are the foundation for all of Mankind Support Service programs and services.